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``Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity. ``
- H. Jackson Brown, JR.
There's a success story inside each of us. You can have an abundant life by joining the opportunity that many others have already discovered. A desire to achieve your dreams is all you need to qualify. Our greatest opportunity is opportunity! We've been known for years as the greatest kept secret in Home Safety. With over 5 decades of experience and numerous brands coming together under one roof, we have a ground floor opportunity with a financially stable foundation. With zero debt and a breakthrough exclusive product available only to our team, we are experiencing explosive growth! We have the best results in the industry and the documentation to beat conversation. Be the boss you wish you had.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
You can become an impact player on a team that makes a difference.
In the world of opportunity, meetings and events are like campfires. Every campfire provides a chance to rub shoulders with successful people. Our campfires are the best because our team shares knowledge from experience and offers advice every time we gather!
Complete and Ongoing Training
No matter what your skillset or lack thereof, we have a training program geared to teach you how to do what we do successfully, and in a short amount of time. Once you begin, there are endless resources for your continued learning and growth.
Join us each June in Dallas, Texas as team members gather for education, recognition, motivation and inspiration.
Winter Participation Trip
Since it’s the dead of winter, you can virtually bet we will end up on a beach, you never want to miss this trip!
Fall Participation Trip
Every September we host a trip to a resort or bucket list city for the top performers.
Online Resources
From our main training site to our Extranet full of downloads, you can continue to learn when your schedule allows.
G8 Summits
These regional gatherings are geographically located so that attendance is less expensive and less time consuming.
Conference/Video Calls
Staying plugged in is a piece of cake! Or at least you can eat a piece of cake or anything you’d like while you attend these technological campfires.
Want to find out more?
Fill out the form below and we will contact you to set up an interview